A common question Christians are curious about is: “What’s the point of life then? What’s the meaning of life without God? Why should we all be alive?” There’s actually two parts to this question – […]
Tag: Beliefs
Why Are Some Atheists So Outspoken?
I posted in a Christian writing community a while back looking for questions people had about Atheists and atheism, and one person asked one that I hadn’t gotten in any discussion before but I think […]
How I Became an Atheist
As an Atheist who’s still part of some Christian circles, I’m often asked about my beliefs and how I became an Atheist: some are curious mainly to know, others want to convert me or are […]
Evaluating Your Reasons for Belief
When you’re studying other viewpoints, and (hopefully) trying to evaluate their truthfulness, it’s important to know why you believe your current views, whatever that reason may be. I don’t mean “Why is this true,” or […]