A common question Christians are curious about is: “What’s the point of life then? What’s the meaning of life without God? Why should we all be alive?” There’s actually two parts to this question – […]
The State of the Blog

Greetings all,I’ve been shifting my writing platform focus a little lately, so it seemed like a good time for more of a personal update. (Don’t worry, I’m not completely redoing the blog.) A Brief History […]
Why Teens are a Critical Audience for Writers

A large part of the reason I write for teens is because I am one myself, albeit not for much longer. (I’m nineteen.) The ideal audience for my writing has grown up along with me […]
Why Are Some Atheists So Outspoken?

I posted in a Christian writing community a while back looking for questions people had about Atheists and atheism, and one person asked one that I hadn’t gotten in any discussion before but I think […]
How I Became an Atheist

As an Atheist who’s still part of some Christian circles, I’m often asked about my beliefs and how I became an Atheist: some are curious mainly to know, others want to convert me or are […]
The Secret First Draft You Can Work With
(My apologies for the lack of an image; I’m having internet issues, and trying to add one was crashing WordPress tonight.) “Just get the first draft down, even though it’s probably bad, and you can […]
Will I Still Have Time to Write in College?

If you’re getting close to starting a college career, you might be wondering: how much writing will you have time to do? On one hand, you probably will have time for other things besides homework […]
5 (Non-Serious) Parts of Life That Need More Representation

As the title indicates, this is more of a fun post – I’m not talking about demographic diversity in fiction this week. Rather, I’m here to point out several little elements of real life that […]
College Applicant Survival Tips (Part 2)

Hey friends, I’m back (after falling asleep in the middle of uploading this late last night anyway :P), and as promised, here is the second half of my list of college application tips. If you […]
College Applicant Survival Tips (Part 1)

If you’re a highschooler and you’re reading this post, you might be thinking about college. (If you have other plans, that’s cool too, but as the title indicates, this post is written with those who […]